Well done, Donnie.
EN MEMORIAMMy friend, Donnie Mongold, died earlier today. I am deeply saddened to share this news. He was a man of God and a source of encouragement to me. I met Donnie when I was a student in college. He encouraged me as I shared my faith online. When I was having a tough day, he would remind me that I was the Beacon Deacon and it was the Lord's light that shines whether or not I am having a bad day. Donnie inspired me to keep the name Beacon Deacon nearly 16 years after it was initially typed in a computer forum. Donnie is now with the Lord Jesus Christ. I look forward to seeing him again. Since I didn't get to say, "Goodbye" to him, I will share how he said, "Goodbye" to me just days before I graduated from college.

Eventually, we would meet in person and would maintain contact through the years. I would be able to even meet his youth in person when he invited me to share my testimony to his Sunday school class where he taught them. I didn't get to see Donnie as often as I wanted to. I remember having lunch with him at Heavenly Ham earlier this year. I remember talking about the Lord and he was again encouraging me. Though he is gone from this world, his kindnesses will be remembered. Even in death, this is not "Goodbye." We'll miss you Donnie. We will meet again my friend. Well done, good and faithful servant.
--Beacon Deacon
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